WyzAnt.com currently has the largest
network of certified tutors available on the web over 66,000 and counting- which means exclusive access to top study tips
and proven practices to help students succeed in the classroom. While the majority of learning happens at school or during
private tutoring sessions, there are some actions that parents can take at home to contribute to their childs overall academic
After reviewing hundreds of tips submitted by our network of private tutors, we found the following to be the most commonly
1. Ask your kids to teach you what they learned during their lesson. The most important feature of an engaged student is critical
thinking. Critical thinking is understanding a subject in your own words, and being able to explain the subject to others,
says WyzAnt language tutor Rachel M., from Evanston, IL. Pretend that youre unfamiliar with the topic and encourage your child
to play teacher!
2. Initiate positive and open communication.
Always discuss the lesson and tutoring session with your child. Find out what is going on, says WyzAnt tutor Valerie J. from
Dallas, TX. The more you communicate the less you have to read between the lines to find out where and why they are struggling.
In certain cases, the method of teaching can conflict with a childs learning style, which is why WyzAnt offers a good fit
guarantee for each student.
3. Emphasize a healthy mind and body!
This means eating right, getting enough sleep, says WyzAnt test prep tutor John B. of Harleysville, PA. Many outside factors
can affect sharpness in the classroom. While its impossible to control all aspects of your childs day, a consistent bed time
and balanced meals are important habits that can be established in the home.
Help your child reach their potential. Search
private tutors in your area today!